
gmunu, pronounced “gee-mew-new” and more typically written \(g_{\mu\nu}\), is the symbol we use to describe the metric of spacetime in the general theory of relativity (GR). As such, it is essentially the mother function for describing gravity in GR. This website serves as the public face of the Hughes research group at MIT, as well as the public access point for our catalog of gravitational wave sounds and visualizations. It tends to sit without an update for many years, until someone gets sufficiently embarrassed by its out-of-date character and implements a major overhaul. In the most recent such update, we switched over to using Hugo as the environment in which we do web development.

gmunu is also a somewhat rinky dink computer at the MIT Kavli Institute which hosts these pages, while sometimes simultaneously being used as a workstation … please bear that in mind when you download files!

These pages were created by Scott Hughes, adapted from an earlier version of gmunu made by UROP alumna Pei-Lan Hsu.